Thursday, November 27, 2008

Day out of school

Emily and I getting ready for the day of fun hanging out. The kids are all out of school this week mine and the day care kids so we need to do something fun . (so I wouldn't go crazy) any way there is this awsome park called Flinn Springs and it is so fun. It has climbing trees and big open play area a creek and huge boulders oh there is a play structure but I wouldn't let the kids play there they can do that all of the time. We got there at about 9:30 and had a picnic and left at about 3:30 it was a fun and relaxing time.

Renee after pitching a crazy game of wiffle ball the teams were Renee' and Justin
and Zach had Cody and Dylin. Ashley just hung out and cheered.
so this is the small creek it might be small but it still provided lots of adventure Cody was jumping back and forth and Dylin and Ashley fished things out with a stick.

Justin took on every one else as Robin hood merry man with a bow and arrow while his opponents Zach,Cody, Dylin , And Ashley as an unarmed medic but the all had guns.

This is a little decieving but they are up high in this really cool tree I took another one so you could see how high they were but it was fuzzy.
We had a really fun day we might do it again next monday It is teacher inservice day. It way better than sitting in the house just watching T.V.

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