Monday, April 20, 2009


A couple months ago Cody won our Pack Pinewood derby. finally on Saturday,after months of anticipation was the district and council race. He was so excited and looked quite stressed.

Here is one of the time he was waiting in between races.

Here are the winners of our district with Cody in first of 26 cars so he moved on to the Council final witch to us meant we had to come back at 2:40. It was pretty hot so we loaded up and headed to costco for lunch ( we were not planning on staying through lunch or I would have packed a picnic) we went back for some scout fair stuff and then head over to the Council finals.

Here are the 10 district winners. It was an awesome race.

So out of all of the districts. (probably 200 or so cars) Cody came in 5th It was such a cool day and he was really happy.
Look the proud parents.
I was so thankful Buck made it back from out of town these are not my kinda thing.


Your favorite sister said...

That is so fun! Our boys have theirs this Friday. It was delayed because of deployments, so all the boys are so excited!

Mark and Tammy said...

Way to go Code man. That is really good and I am sure it made for a long day. I think If I was a parent I might help make theirs bad just so I wouldn't have to stick around for all the meets. that really is exciting. It is great that Buck is back too. I am sure it is always better to go with him then without.