Wednesday, June 10, 2009

day three Taft point and Sentinel Dome

This picture was taken in between Taft point ans Sentinel Dome with the Yosemite waterfall in the background. Buck was able to use the timer we took a couple to make sure we got a good one. this was at about our half way point about 2 and a half miles.

This is Taft point. about 1.1 miles in this area was a little scary with sheer drop offs and fissures that came out of nowhere. this point I did take one peek holding on to the rail for dear life.
each kid with tight hold by mom handing off to dad got to look over the railing I would not take a child younger than Cody or kids who don't listen on this hike.

This is also in the same area as you can see Buck thought I should look a little closer I had a closer picture with us in it but this really shows the cliffs.

My proudest moment so far. This is the top of Sentinel Dome. we have now hiked about 4 and half miles and this is the high point. By now the thunder is rolling in across the way we are all tired and Renee's shins were hurting. this dome has great views Buck went up on his own and as I looked up from the bottowm I thought there is no way after hiking all this way I was not going to see the spectaculir views so I started up. as I was half way up Justin also decided to come and as we were hitting the top Buck thought he was coming down he turned around and went back . Justin took this picture and that is half dome in the background and lots of clouds. we would have liked to have stayed up there for a while but with a storm rolling in we thought it best not to be at the highest point around. did I mention we were at 8,122 feet.

So we had one short mile left, on the busy part of the trail that went out to the dome and my biggest fear..... We saw a bear he was young. the ranger later said probably a yearling. any way he wasabout 15-20 feet away and was just forging in this old log for some food. It was really neat. I enjoyed the deers more wasn't so afraid of them but I might should have been they were not afraind of us.
This is such a small amount of pictures When i get to White Salmon you will have to check them all out. not to mention we have three camers going.

1 comment:

Mark and Tammy said...

HOLY CRAP that is so awesome my husband would have loved to be in your shoes. Like you they are an amazing sight but I think I too would have been a tad afraid-did the bear notice you were around??. Good job on the hiking. It sounds like they are all up hill so you guys must have some sore legs-Heck you are going to be glad to get here just so you can rest your feet for a few minutes. Amazing hikes-You have come a long way since Dimond head