Wednesday, April 28, 2010

39 Clues

So the boys are really into this new book series called 39 clues. It is about a grandma who dies and gives the option in her will to either take 1 million dollars or go onto a great adventure following clues to a even better prize, but it is a race against other relatives. There are four branches of the family Janus, thomus , ecrestion and lucion. They all have different traits with great historical ancestors.

Any way this leads to the post. the other day Buck and I had to do some shopping during school time so I told the kids to make a clue trail for me for when I got back. They had a blast and did a really good job. This is the first clue. I thought J for justin so I headed down to Justin's room. On my way I see this note.
It said something about a dictionary.
I so know where the dictionary is so I go there.

That note said look where we were training this morning. well they had been training the dogs so I looked in the dog trainer

This clue was something about a game boy. so I had to find that.

On the screen was written the last clue to my room.

In my room I see this scroll.

I unrolled it and got this wonderful poster.

It was so much fun . they had a fun time making the clues and I had a fun time finding them. I really enjoyed listening to the first book of 39 clues and going geocaheing with the boys.
I can't wait for more adventures.


Whitni Watkins said...

Thats so exciting and super cool!

Lacee said...

That sounds like a lot of fun, you all have such great adventures with your family :)

Mark and Tammy said...

LOVE IT, that was a great idea and something fun to keep them busy. Don't you just love being able to leave them and know that everything is going to be fine when you return. My day will come but I think my kids will be married by then-hmm.

Susan said...

Wow - your kids are so creative! Mine love 39 CLUES, too. I still haven't read it - guess I need to get on the bandwagon, huh?