Thursday, April 22, 2010

Books, Books and more Books

Well this is the reason we have so many books

I have been wanting to take this on for a while. Organize my books into categories. But there were just so many.
this is the table where I was sorting.

What a mess.

So here is the fiction, classic and poetry.

Here is the History shelf I would say probably my favorite.

Bible, Bible study and some text books.

The stairs are where we keep the temporary books (library)

The cleared off table It only took a couple days but now I feel very satisfied.


Mark and Tammy said...

Way to go with the organization on the books-it looks really good and so wonderful. I am confused where that table is though?? Help me out because I feel lost. (the last picture)PS I loved all the places you took flat samantha

Unknown said...

the table is in the living room. we like having two table one that we can lave open projects on like D&D or puzzles. I think there is a puzzle on it right now.