Monday, April 5, 2010

Ester egg hunt

Here's the line up again. Cody just thought it was not fair we did it the same both times. we told it was a tradition.

Justin was on the older side so I think this was him with handicap. or he is just being a weirdo.

Hey look I was there too.

quite the loot.

this one was just to high Buck had to go save it.

Justin and Andrija in deep talk over candy and good trades.


Lacee said...

What a cute goup of people lol We had a lot of fun with you guys like always. you are so good at getting the pictures up so quick :)

Mark and Tammy said...

Which side were you on April, the big kids or the small kids??? Love all the kids photos and I think that Justin was just using his head on that east egg hunt