Friday, June 11, 2010


Renee's yummy cake, it was strawberry shortcake.

Renee attended a small charter school so this is her large graduating class.

cool balloons

The graduation was held at the Point Loma Nazarene Greek theater. It was a beautiful venue right on the ocean. we did fight the drizzle for most of the ceremony.

Her she come down to get her diploma

the students were given a rose for the person they thought had been there partner in her education and renee brought here to me talk about a cry fest.

Here she goes with her diploma. of course We do not have the pictures of her getting her diploma on this camera so I will have to post them later. We were able to present her with her diploma

Renee and Grandma and Grandpa Torrey

Renee and Grandma and grandpa Wharton
all who attended

Renee and Uncle Caleb and Aunt Lacee and kids

Renee and Aunt sheila and Samantha

Renee and Aunt Karolyn, Uncle Jeff and kids.

Renee and Levi

The fully graduated Renee. We are so proud of her and all of her accomplishments thus far in life. Renee is such a wonderful daughter and a caring person. She will go far in anything she does.

1 comment:

Mark and Tammy said...

WHAT a view-those are awesome pictures and I too would have given you the rose, "mother of the year" you really are an inspiration. I am so proud of Renee and it is fun to see the family all together and Bucks family. So sad I missed it wish I could have been there- stinkin work.