Monday, October 11, 2010

Dos pico camping with the Brook family

Buck and Jeff making us some Breakfast. I have to admit that when we camp I am pretty useless. Buck and the boys do just about everything. I am really thankful because it makes camping a time I can really enjoy camping.

Josh, Justin, and Geni waiting for breakfast.

Jeff, Karolyn and Geni we were having a great time. we love play games and visiting.

Justin helping out for breakfast. He is always around when we need some one to pitch in.

o.k. this is not our best picture but is shows how much Karolyn and I can sit back and relax a little while we camp

Buck and I love playing games. We had a great round of phase ten. of course Buck wins he almost always does.

After Jeff and orly and kids went home we did a little geocaching. we had lots of fun we found this one it was put there by some girl scouts.

there is supposed to be one up in these rocks but we could not find it. there was a water bottle at one time but we think maybe someone decided to keep it.
since we were out walking we took some pictures

Buck reading

Me reading..... we love to read and this is one of my favorite time to do so I finished the Hunger games and half of Catching Fire. I love that we can share a love for reading with our family and our children have learned by example.

Buck doing some cooking.

and some packing

and the boys loading up the car.
we had a great time and need to do this more often to help us relax.

1 comment:

Mark and Tammy said...

FUN of course-I just finished the hunger games and I am getting ready to start the second one took a small break and read "housekeeping" which turned out to be OK and I started one called "The Ha ha" and so far it is good, but I got the second last night to the hunger games and will start it whenever I can find time. Love to camp and read too. WE are more alike than we realize.