Sunday, October 3, 2010

Halloween for early christmas present

well the boys have been begging to go to legoland to do the Brick or treat this is a Halloween activity and you get a special brick. well Buck surprised them with legoland season passes that are good for Legoland, the water park and sea life park. They were so excited. but we had to make sure they know this is for Christmas.

Cody takes on Darth Vader with a pretend gun.

Justin will use the light saber

Justin and Hagard from Harry Potter.

and of course Indiana Jones

Cody wanted one too.

They rode on the xteconic or something like that. they really liked that.

Justin thought he would shrink down to his level cody thought the camel could use a nice petting

The Halloween fun.

Of course the whole reason we were there Brick Or Treat

a scary ghost.

we all got a KICK out of this guy pretty cool.

a Turtle from Sea Life Park.
We had a of fun today we hope to spend lots of Fun days at Legoland this year.


Lacee said...

that looks like a lot of fun and yeah hopefully they remember that is is a christmas present but I bet you guys will have fun there all year long :)

Mark and Tammy said...

Great present it is sure hopeful that you guys will use it all the time-I am sure you will. We keep telling the girls that since we are going to Hawaii our Christmas will be small. Most presents come from mom and Dad so Mom and Dad will be cutting back. I love all the lego creatures that must be fascinating to see up close.