Sunday, November 7, 2010

First Lego League

The boys have been on quite an adventure this fall with First Lego League. Today was the big competition. They were pretty nervous they are judged on their research project, the robot design and it programs, and the core values.

Cody being goofy. the event stated at 9:00 and ended at 3:45. so there was lots of time for goofing off.

This is the pit where they practiced.

Only two boys are aloud down on the field to run the robots the elected two are Andy and Will.
they did very well with the programs.

This is the research board

My two awesome boys

in the end the boys won the Core values section and as moms and coaches this was the best award we could win. We even made Mrs. Susan cry.

also we were in the top 6 (#5) to go to the southern California finals at Lego land on Dec. 4th.
we are really excited have lots of work to do and find some more sponsors to keep us going.

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