Tuesday, January 25, 2011

return trip from Pasco

So we saw so many Eagles on the way to Pasco we made it our mission to find a eagle and get a picture.
We stopped at Dougs beach on the Washington side of the river and were very hopeful. Buck has a very good eye and was able to spot one pretty quick.

He took a picture and said there was one and then we realized there were two up at the top of that tree.

Then one took off and we were able to catch in flight.

It was just so beautiful. very cold but a great day.

Since we were out and about we decided to see if we could find some geocaches. we were in luck the first was just a short hike.

This was a really cool tree. it looks like some kind of animal in Narnia.

Then we found another geocache right in the parking area where we had parked.

1 comment:

Whitni Watkins said...

I have a request: Can you post how to do these geocaches and how they work and what you look for? They sound really interesting and fun and inexpensive. I would so much appreciate that!