Tuesday, February 22, 2011

While the kids were in Florida

well we took this nice Feb. weekend to go up to Caleb and Lacee's house up in 29 palms. and because it is still winter and perfect hiking weather, we planned a couple hikes.
on our morning hike we took Caleb, Lacee, and the girls. it was lots of fun.
We saw this awesome set up I think this will be the direction Buck will want to go.

Drej was getting tired Uncle Buck had made her walk enough so when he took a rest on a rock she scurried right up his back for a nice cruise.

It was just so cute, I keep telling Buck we need one of these but he says oh no we don't.

so that morning we did about 3 miles. That was not enough for us. Buck and I headed out for a little longer hike it is about 5 miles. This was before we started.
it didn't quite go as planned.

so from the beginning we were on the wrong trail we followed a loop but not the right one this one had a whole bunch of elevation up and down at least 3 times. needless to say I was about to kill Buck, but we made it of course we had plenty of water and snacks and time.

we had a great hike and had time to have great uninterrupted conversations. We had great time together. I love my husband so much and I love that he loves the outdoors. As a family we appreciate all he does for us.
when We got back to the truck we saw where we went wrong just a simple sign miss reading.
we had lots of fun.


Unknown said...

you guys don't need any more, you'll have grand babies that you can spoil soon enough.

April said...

not too soon now I am only 35.