Saturday, September 3, 2011

Camping with Friends

First off I know I don't really have many followers on here,  but I do want to apologize for not keeping up with the blog all summer.  We were super busy and in between camping and travel I didn't have much time to load up the pictures.  

SOOOOOO,  I am starting with our last activity and then I will update the old ones as time permits(hopefully pretty quickly, but no promises)

South Carlsbad State Beach Campground.

We were invited by homeschool, church friends to go camping.  The plans were made al the way back in Feb. .   So after a very busy travailing we got home Thursday and  were home 3 short days and then off to do some beach camping.
 Thats Chris, a great guy he has been Justin's hockey coach and cody's soccer coach.  He gave Justin some great surf pointers.
 The kids had fun in the surf all day long.

 Monday night we had a potluck.  It was great, Buck was able to make it up, just for dinner though.
In al there were 9 families camping. Us, the Marxs, the Romines, the Depuys, he Wachs, the Kellys, the Wilsons, the Lerums and the family who put it all together the Gonzales.  

 Monica  took a water camera out so they were all checking out the great footage.
 Some of the great family who pulled this al together.
 Grammy Cheryl came up for a couple of the nights and is doing her Grammy duties of putting on sunblock,  the never ending chore while camping at the beach.
 Laura putting on more sunblock.
 Lisa taking it all in.
Time to pack it in and get back to the real world.  School starts on Tuesday and all that  comes with that.

1 comment:

Mark and Tammy said...

That is awesome and I bet the kids had a great time with all thier friends.