Saturday, January 17, 2009

Chula Vista Nature Center

I had a day off with out any extra kids and the boys didn't have class so we headed to the Chula Vista Nature center. It was a lot of fun but we were informed that the were on the list for some major budget cut here in San Diego. If they can't raise money they eill close on March 30th. I heard on the news that it takes a bout a million dollars a year to run but they only bring in about 350,000 so they are in trouble. Justin was very say to hear this they have lots of birds and marsh animals. he just doesn't know where they will go. They problem is it is that kind of place you can go once a year or so and you only need to stay for a couple hours. the price was very resonable it only cost us 12.00 but I don't know that I would pay a whole bunch more. It was very fun I enjyed the time with the boys with our daycare kids.

I am not a very good self portrait taker but i wanted one with me and the boys. this was at the end of a litle hike we took. It was very windy

a coyote statue leave it to the boys to dress him up.

Here they are trying to figure out how a sun dial might work and they mural in the back was really cool.

1 comment:

Mark and Tammy said...

It's too bad good places like these have to shut down because of money but what can you do- those rich people wont donate to things like this-hmm. It looks as if you had a good time and I love the picture of you and the boys-way cute