Wednesday, June 3, 2009

The Unlikely Hero

This is little miss volunteer. She began as a small group coach with 7 girls and a junior coach. She continued in that position and added assistant choreographer. this was for the last 3 months and then in the last week instead of doing mikes she ended up being a backstage director ( she told everyone when to go on stage) so this was once a week for the past 3 months and then tech week every single night from 5:00 to 9:00 and then four shows on the weekend. She was invited to a prom but had to say no becuse of her great dedication to the kids in the church. I am so proud of this girl. I guess we have done some things right after all.

so Cody after all of the prep for the shows we dropped him off on Sat nigh for the first show. only to get a text that says "Cody threw up" we got over there and he had done two scenes and was still not feeling well. he ended up missing the second show altogether. He went home and watched Happy feet and went to bed and was ready to go on Sunday morning. He was a security guard and was very serious. Again very proud of his persistence.

Justin was a citizen he was also in a tour guide group with a line. He had so much fun and met many people. he is always entertaining and improving. we just love to see his enthusiasm. He worked really hard all 3 month going early a couple time to practice his scene. even rushing straight from Karate which kinda stressed him out he has a truly a great spirit and loves to make people happy.

here they are after all of the shows on Sunday. as you can see Renee looks a little ragged from all the stress. They had so much fun. Canyon View Christian Fellowship has been such a great church for our family we have all grown so much and love being involved in the community.
Renee is great she currently does the children musical on Wednesdays and Craze the middle school group as a small group leader on Tuesdays and then she gos to high school ministry on Sat. night and if she can fit it in a regular service. The boys have been involved in the musical this year and then Jusin had a photography class and Cody had a class on missions. I am currently attending a small group on wed. we have done a great over view of the old testament and I am just finishing up the new testament. Buck is away a lot but is in a great mountain Bike group that meets a couple Sat a month fro a fun ride. We love going to church on a Sat. night . and we learn so much each and every week .

1 comment:

Mark and Tammy said...

Never a dull moment-watching my kids will be like a vacation for Renee wont it.