Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Justin Finally got his Birthday present from dad and mom it is only four months late. he got a tent for Scout camping

He set it up in the living room all by himself it is awesome.

My Birthday was on Sept 2nd an we went out to dinner. I am not sure what Justin is doing here

Buck and I had a good time. I had to wear this shirt because I was still so sunburned from the weekend with Caleb and lacee I am still red, red , red I stayed red for over a week.
YOu can ask Renee Where she was, it is a very funny story.


Unknown said...

Looks like a fun time-I love that he got a tent because that is so up his ally and it is something that will be put to good use instead of stowed away.

Unknown said...

OH PS for some reason I opened a yahoo account and it is giving me this as my response-it's me Tammy

April said...

thanks for clarifying I was like who the heck is this