Thursday, March 25, 2010

We love our Organic produce

So I don't profess to be the healthiest person in the whole world but we are trying harder. we have joined a local community co-op we have a weekly pickup of of a nice beautiful bag of organic produce. we have been doing this for a couple of weeks now and it is so cool we have had so many new fruits and veggies that we have never even heard of or seen before. like a chamoia or white radish (in above picture) everything because it is grown locally is so fresh and very tasty.

The boys love the apples and oranges they are so juicy.

This guy is one of the farmers who runs the co-op he is so nice and friendly. Justin helped carry a box and he gave him a bag of strawberries. Justin was excited .

loading our bag up. we bring our own bag to help with recycling and staying green. The boys are great helpers.

If anything this is a great learning experience.

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