Sunday, August 15, 2010

Boy Scout Camp

Buck and Justin went to Boy Scout Camp at Shaver Lake, camp chawkee. From the pictures I can tell you it was beautiful. This was the view from Bucks tent.
It was a big lake. with all kinds of water sports.

Justin did his swimming merit Badge it was hard but he finished. He did it all in a lake too not a pool.
Check in time. I can tell cause Justin has his swim trunks on under his clothes they do that on check in to do the swim test.

Getting ready to canoe to a small island to spend the night.

More swimming.

and more swimming.

Back from the island. they had to get back before breakfast so it was very early.

Looking like he is having fun. You can see the tents in the background.
Merit Badges
mammal study
Justin earned 7 merit badges very impressive for his first camp. tracking and pathfinding were historical merit badges they did for the 100 year anniversary. Swimming is a Eagle requires badge, he is on his way.

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