This year we signed cody up for kid's camp at church. He was going all by himself but a couple weeks ago they had a women's work change and she was not able to go. soooo I got the call and since my kids are older now, why not. So they separate the boys and girls so I would be with girls so Cody would have his space.
This is cody and the rest of the guys form tepee 5 with Mr. Tiny. They are on their way back for the zip line.
Here is cody coming out of the cool slide.
Here is my cabin and my 9, sixth graders and 1 fourth grade girls.
I was with them all day everyday and I was tired at the end of the day. but it was lots of fun.
Cody and his group at lunch. They got good manners once my girls never did but they were very good.
So of course there is a lot of singing at camp and this little ritual is called Grey Squirrel. If a child in your group gets a package you get to go up to sing. my girls had lots of fun with this I went up 3 of the four nights. I had a girl get a late package on the last night but they had already done the night assembly so I was spared.
My girls waiting to go into the barn "sanctuary " where we did most of the singing and spiritual time.
my girls sit on a rock but Cody's group of boys play a game called ninja while they wait for barn.
Well This is Cody giving me a tour on Wed night as we gathered his things to go home early. Cody was having a hard time Wed. afternoon and was very red. at first I thought to much time at the pool that day it was his pool party day. but during the carnival witch should be lots of fun. and he wasn't playing . He said his ear hurt finally I said you need to see the nurse. He was not happy. When we got to the nurse and told her what was going on she took his temp. and it was 102.5 she then looked in his ears and one was very pink and the other was just a little. so she said he needed to go home. I was so sad. I had girls in my cabin were crying to go home and Cody was crying to stay. I was crying and was heart broken for my boy.
This is his tepee village.
Waiting for dad to come get him.
This is the map of camp and he was showing where he was. Buck got him into the Dr on Thursday. and what do you know a ear infection. since he would have to go up and down in elevation to come back to camp Dr. Eros said he couldn't go back. he got antibiotics and lots of rest. But I stayed at camp until Friday afternoon and brought a load of kids back to the church.
This was my little corner of the cabin. Every morning when I went to adult devotions and the girls were cleaning up they would make it look all nice and pretty. They won cabin clean up two times. witch is good because they only did it four times and there were 8 girls cabins.
We also won overal points for the week for Girl Cabins.
I was blessed and impressed with my girls.
1 comment:
That looks like so much fun and I am so glad you were able to go and attend. It looks like overall you had a good experience. I wish they had that for my kiddos-at a fun place like that. Did it cost to take the kids? Way fun, JELOUSE
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