The boys get to start the day with 20 mins of t.v. or game time. Justin is watching yugiho or something
Cody watched something on t.v.
After raisin bread toast for Justin and egg on a english muffin for Cody, we got down to the real business of school. They did some lang. Arts, a little math and mediaeval history.

All my friends were posting on facebook about the kids going o school and how happy they were and so I thought I would put a picture of the boy meeting their teacher, but really its just me, their only teacher. I enjoy having the boys home so much I love that we are able to learn so much and in so many different ways. Like: the next pictures
This is the First Lego League club the boys belong to. They go 2 times a week for 2 hours. The theme for this year is biomedical engineering they need to find a problem and give it solutions. The competition consists of a presentation, a show of team wok and programming a robot to make its way around this mat and do different tasks.
Next is was off to the library.
Cody was checking to see if this was the first book in the series
according to Justin this is the best place in the world you can find info on anything.
After the first library we had to stop by costco to pick up some photos and a couple groceries. It was fun having Renee along for the afternoon.
I had Cody come with me to Justin's soccer practice a get a little outside time.
Justin had soccer practice and was having lots of fun with his buddies.
and to finish the night off we had a great time reading a bedtime story.
all in al the perfect homeschool day
That sounds awesome! How do you get involved in the Lego club?
Sounds like the perfect first day of school :-)
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