Monday, September 6, 2010

soccer 2010

so funny thing this morning while we were getting ready Justin asked Cody what number he was and Cody said 8, Justin says so am I. isn't that just crazy/

My boys are growing up so quick. they were so excited to get the soccer season started.

Here one of Cody in action.

This is cody trying out the goalie position.

Justin in action.

oh no the ball go by, but i sure was moving to get it.

He was happy to start the game.

Justin is always downing himself think he isn't any good but that is so untrue I saw it with my own eyes he has great foot work and really gets in and takes the ball. He might not have the greatest kick but hey who cares.


Whitni Watkins said...

ooo I love love love soccer! Like almost more than anything. Its so fun to see kids playing! I have a feeling Justin got Buck's genes....he's going to be so tall!

Mark and Tammy said...

YEAH that is really cool that the kids have the same numbers-heck I think my kids do too this year. We just started this last week. Tell Justin even if he doesn't think he is the best he sure looks darn cute in that outfit so your right-who cares.