Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day Two of Christmas break

great start to the day some cold cereal. I did make them hot cocoa I don't totally fail as a mom.

Gloomy, gloomy with lots of rain today we hit 6 days in a row with one more in store.

but sometimes we don't mind some rain, it gives a big excuse to read, we started book # 2 in Fable Haven series: The Society of the Evening Star. we read about 5 chapters witch is quite a bit, usually when we sit down we have enough time for 1 to 2 chapters. So this was a treat. we did head out after this to the library.

I put out lots of bird seed feeling sorry for birds in all this rain, It kept Soda entertained for quite some time.

Renee was working on some last minute Christmas presents and recruited Justin for some help. he had fun and it was good to see them doing something together. These days are growing short. We will miss Renee when she moves.
Took Cody to Kyle's for a sleepover. Buck, Justin and I hit Costco for the Christmas Ham.
All in all a good day.

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