Saturday, March 12, 2011

Old Town San Diego

As you all know when you are in the fourth grade it is the year of your state history, Because of course that is the only time you can learn about your state( hope you hear my sarcasm) anyway. We love to learn about our state what ever our age. That all said, Cody and I did some California history last Wed. We headed to Old Town San Diego.
It was a perfect cool afternoon. We didn't stay too long and will have to make a return trip maybe a couple.

This is the first San Diego Jail. I think personally it looks like a small person oven. but hey if more jails looked like this maybe there wouldn't be so much crime.

I wanted proof that I was there so we did a timer picture. It was lots of fun hanging out with Cody.

I told Cody maybe that wasn't the best position to look at the cannon.

We went on a 1 hour guided tour. Old Town is a CA state park. I was impressed with this beautiful kitchen. All of the cooking was done outside.

This was the courtyard of one of the wealthiest homes at the time, it was beautiful.
we learned a lot. Did you know???? that when Old Town was getting old they put in New Town in what now is down town. The man who started down there tried to get people to move there but they liked their Old Town. Soooo he made a huge effort by stating that the San Diego River would eventually close it self down by all of the silt that it pulled down. so it was in every one best interest to move the San Diego Rives natural flow. He paid to have it moved and took the water source right out from under the Old Town area. And guess what everyone had to move to the New Town area if they wanted water.
wow the things you learn.
We only saw about 10% of what is in the Park so we will have to go back, But hey it is free so we can go as many times as we want.

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