Monday, June 8, 2009

Day Two and Justin's B-Day

well this is a little out of order but here is Justin at his Birthday dinner. We went to a local family style reterraunt in Bass lake called mountain house. Justin was ready to order off the kids menu but he couldn't because it was for 10 and under and he was now 11. Justin ordered a double cheese burger and fries. After dinner they ordered two slices of cheese cake to share we sang Happy Birthday and he blew out the pretend candles he was a good sport.

So for our first hike we went to Maraposa grove it was a good hike we walked through the huge trees and then out to wawona Point here is the point Justin did not want to go out to the edge. I was a little frightend too.

Renee, Justin and Cody all stnding in the stump of an old tree.

well this was at the top of the point so we climbed some big altitude we were at 6,800 ft and started at 5,400 ft. the hike was about 6 plus miles and I made everyone go out to this point witch then added another mile but it was so worth it it was beautiful. we did this all in about 5 hours. what a family.

Never thought I would be out on a huge hike on my vacation. I think that it was a great day for our family. We were able to grow closer togther and encourage each other. we had lots of fun and got really tired.


Mark and Tammy said...

you go April-I am so proud of you. I wish we lived closer so we could all hike together-we love hiking as do you guys. It is cheap and fun and the beauty that you get from it is great. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JUSTIN. I had to chuckle at your post because you said (20 and under and he was now 11) I think you meant 10 and under right?? Ha ha. See ya soon

April said...

yes I meant 10 and under it was late ant I had hiked a long way I was quite proud of myself, but now Buck believes I can do it.I will have to talk him out these over 5 miles are a little tricky