Thursday, October 7, 2010

Bate nut farm and Pumpkin patch

Well this was the last thing of the day but here is our make shift picnic in the car ad on a hay bail.
We love to go to Bates Nut farm and I think we have gone almost every year we have been in San Diego. I love this season and if you can believe it this year for the first time we wor long sleeves and it actually felt like fall. but don't worry it should be back up to 80 or more over the weekend.
Cody had fun feeding the goats he was super nice and gave some of his bag of corn to a little boy so he could feed the goats too.
Justin jumped up on this hay bail and said hey mom this is your future. Really could this be he is really tall already.
I love the colors of the fall and the pumpkins

Renee and Levi looking good. Renee really had fun if it wasn't for her making the date we might not have made it up tis year we are so busy.

Renee took some pictures we might use for the "school pictures"

Renee' walking around the patch

My cute kids I am glad I have them all together for the day.

what a bunch of goofs


Lacee said...

that place looks like a lot of fun, I have to say I am a little jeaslous that we don't have a pumpkin patch around here (not that I know of anyway) glad that you guys had so much fun and great pictures by the way.

Mark and Tammy said...

Those are some awesome pictures and the pumpkins are gigantic. Justin is quite the hoot and I am sure that is realisticly what it will look like.