Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Christmas 2012

We have a tradition of opening p.j.s on Christmas Eve,  I thought they didn't care that much, but I guess they do get excited about it.  Needless to say it is a tradition we will keep. 

Christmas morning lining up with only 2 is kinda hard but hey we can still try.

With Cathy and Brandi taking vacation in Europe, we were really excited  to receive fun gifts form  the great places they visited.

Buck got a new Kuereg coffee maker. The boys are excited it make hot chocolate too.

And the big gift the boys waited all morning for.
Cody got a new ipod touch.

Justin got a new iPod  it holds lots more music.

We had a great afternoon with new friends.  The girls played My new Just dance on the connect.
We really had a wonderful day,  We made sure to remember the reason for the season... Jesus we are so glad he came to this earth to die for us and remove our sins.  

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